Reduction.WCS Submodule

Reduction tools directly related to world cooridnate system corrections.


rotate(wcs, theta[, keep_center]) Rotate WCS coordinates to new orientation given by theta.
xcor_crpix3(fits_list[, x_margin, y_margin]) Get relative offsets in wavelength axis by cross-correlating sky spectra.
xcor_2d(hdu0_in, hdu1_in[, crval, crpix, …]) Perform 2D cross correlation to image HDUs and returns the relative shifts.
xcor_crpix12(fits_in, fits_ref[, wmask, …]) Use cross-correlation to measure the values of CRPIX1/2 and CRVAL1/2.
fit_crpix12(fits_in, crval1, crval2[, …]) Fit the PSF of a known source to get crpix1/2 and crval1/2.