Reduction.Units Submodule

Reduction tools related to unit conversions and corrections.


air2vac(fits_in[, mask]) Covert wavelengths in a cube from standard air to vacuum.
heliocentric(fits_in[, mask, return_vcorr, …]) Apply heliocentric correction to the cubes.
get_bunit(hdr) “Get BUNIT string that meets FITS standard.
multiply_bunit(bunit[, multi]) Unit conversions and multiplications.
bunit_to_flam(header) Get the conversion factor and new unit string to convert from SB to FLAM units.
bunit_to_sb(header) Get the conversion factor and new unit string to convert from FLAM to SB units.
bunit_to_dict(bunit_str) Convert BUNIT string to a dictionary of ‘unit:power’ key:value pairs (e.g.