Synthesis Module (cwitools.synthesis)

The synthesis module contains functions focused on generating common products from an extracted signal. For example, generating surface brightness maps, integrated spectra, radial profiles, and velocity (z-moment) maps for 3D objects identified after segmentation. This module also contains tools that can be applied without having a 3D mask pre-made, such as generating white-light images from data cubes, generating pseudo-narrow-band images, and getting an integrated spectrum from an annular region.

Tools for generating scientific products from the extracted signal.


cylindrical(fits_in, center[, seg_mask, …]) Resample a cube in cartesian coordinate to cylindrical coordinate (with ellipticity).
obj_moments(fits_in, obj_cube, obj_id[, …]) Creates 2D maps of 1st and 2nd z-moments for 3D objects.
obj_sb(fits_in, obj_cube, obj_id[, …]) Get surface brightness map from segmented 3D objects.
obj_spec(fits_in, obj_cube, obj_id[, …]) Get 1D spectrum of a 3D object or multiple objects.
pseudo_nb(fits_in, wav_center, wav_width[, …]) Create a pseudo-Narrow-Band (pNB) image from a data cube.
radial_profile(fits_in, pos[, pos_type, …]) Measures a radial profile from a surface brightness (SB) map.
sum_spec_r(fits_in, ra, dec, redshift, radius) Get summed spectrum of a region specified by a center and radius.
whitelight(fits_in[, wmask, var_cube, …]) Get white-light image from cube.