Coordinates Module (cwitools.coordinates)

The coordinates module contains commonly-used functions relating to coordinate systems and FITS Headers (e.g. obtain the wavelength axis from a 3D header).

Tools for working with headers and world coordinate systems.


get_flam2sb(header) Get the conversion factor from FLAM units to surface brightness.
get_header1d(header3d) Remove the spatial axes from a a 3D FITS Header.
get_header2d(header3d) Remove the spectral axis from a 3D FITS Header
get_indices(wav1, wav2, header[, bounded]) Returns wavelength layer indices for two given wavelengths in Angstrom.
get_kpc_per_px(header[, redshift, unit, …]) Return the physical size of pixels in proper kpc.
get_pxarea_arcsec(header) Get the pixel area in arcsec2.
get_pxsize_angstrom(header) Get the pixel/wavelenght-layer size in units of Angstrom.
get_rgrid(fits_in, pos[, unit, redshift, …]) Get a 2D grid of radius from x,y in specified units.
get_wav_axis(header) Returns a NumPy array representing the wavelength axis of a cube.
reproject_hdu(hdu1, header[, method]) Reproject the WCS and data of one HDU to match another using ‘Reproject’.
scale_hdu(hdu, upscale[, header_only, …]) Scale the data and/or header in an HDU up by a factor.