
cwitools.utils.get_neblines(wav_low=None, wav_high=None, redshift=0)

Return a list of sky lines for PCWI or KCWI

This method uses a list of common galaxy emission lines compiled by Drew Chojnowski, available publicly on his website at

  • wav_low (float) – The lower end of the observer frame bandpass to consider, in Angstrom. Optional.
  • wav_high (float) – The upper end of the observer frame bandpass to consider, in Angstrom. Optional.
  • z (float) – The redshift of the source, to apply cosmological redshift to the rest-frame values.

An array with labelled columns ‘ION’ and ‘WAV’. ‘ION’

contains a label of the form <Name>_<Restframe> (e.g. LyA_1216) and ‘WAV’ contains the observed wavelength at redshift z.

Return type:
