
cwitools.scripts.obj_sb.obj_sb(cube, obj, obj_id, var=None, redshift=None, label=None, log=None, silent=None)

Generate a surface brightness map of a 3D object.

  • cube (str) – Path to input data cube
  • obj (str) – Path to FITS containing 3D object masks.
  • obj_id (int or list) – ID (or list of IDs) of object(s) to include when creating SB map.
  • redshift (float) – Redshift of the emission - provide to apply (1+z)^4 factor for cosmological surface brightness dimming correction.
  • label (str) – Custom label for output file name, which will add .<label>_sb.fits to the input file name. e.g. provide “LyA” for a Lyman-alpha object to get “.LyA_sb.fits” By default, the label will “objXX” where XX is the objID for a single ID, or the first ID followed by a ‘+’ for a list of IDs.
  • log (str) – Path to log file to save output to.
  • silent (bool) – Set to TRUE to suppress standard output.
