
cwitools.scripts.coadd.coadd(clist, ctype=None, masks=None, var=None, px_thresh=0.5, exp_thresh=0.75, drizzle=1.0, pa=0, out=None, verbose=False, log=None, silent=None)

Coadd a list of 3D FITS cubes together.

  • clist (str or list) – Input files to be added, specified in one of 3 ways: a) A path to a CWITools .list file (must also provide -cube_type) b) A Python list of file paths c) A Python list of HDU/HDUList objects
  • ctype (str) – The file type for the main coadd (e.g ‘icubes.fits’), if using a .list file.
  • masks (str) –

    3D PCWI/KCWI pipeline masks to load and apply to data. Can be given in three ways:

    1. As a list of HDU-like objects (HDU or HDUList)
    2. As a list of file paths
    3. As a cube type (e.g. “mcubes.fits”) - this option only works if cube_list is given as a CWITools .list file.
  • var (str) – Specification of 3D PCWI/KCWI variance cubes to load and use for propagating error. Same rules apply as masks_in.
  • px_thresh (float) – Minimum fractional pixel overlap. This is the overlap between an input pixel and a pixel in the output frame. If a given pixel from an input frame covers less than this fraction of an output pixel, its contribution will be rejected.
  • exp_thresh (float) – Minimum exposure time, as fraction of maximum. If an area in the coadd has a stacked exposure time less than this fraction of the maximum overlapping exposure time, it will be trimmed from the coadd. Default: 0.1.
  • drizzle (float) – The drizzle factor to use, as a fraction of pixels size. E.g. 0.2 will shrink input pixels by 20%.
  • pa (float) – The desired position-angle of the output data.
  • out (str) – The output filename for the coadd.
  • verbose (bool) – Set to TRUE to display progress bar and extra info.
  • log (str) – The path to a log file to save output to (default: None)
  • silent (bool) – Set to FALSE to turn on standard terminal output.
